Helping You Gently, Easily & Naturally Overcome

Your Menopausal Symptoms & Reconnect With Your Body


Emotions Funnel

This funnel is a good indicator of where you are on the emotions scale.

As illustrated, negative emotions are at the bottom,

thereby determining a contraction in your expression and feelings.

As you move higher up the emotions funnel towards Enlightenment,

your expression and feelings are elevated, and your emotions are expanded.

This can be helpful to give you awareness of your feelings and emotions.

Once you determine how your feelings are impacting your emotions you can make a shift.

If you notice you are operating from emotions towards the bottom of the funnel,

you have the opportunity to raise your emotions and choose a more empowering feeling.

As a suggestion, if you are experiencing Fear, strive to go up one or 2 levels to Desire or Anger.

It's a really big stretch to go from Fear to Joy.

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