Helping You Gently, Easily & Naturally Overcome

Your Menopausal Symptoms & Reconnect With Your Body


The word “Depression” is often used loosely, to describe a low mood that passes on its own.

It is normal to feel low from time to time, but when this becomes a frequent, persistent feeling, it may be a sign of depression.

What causes depression?

I believe depression stems from at least one of these issues:

  • Not following your heart’s desire
  • Not having love and/or connection in your life
  • Harsh critical words you say to yourself

When you feel depressed, it is often accompanied by a belief that there is no way out. You don’t believe there is a solution for you, a way out of this depression. If you feel this way, it is completely natural.

I would also like to reassure you that there is a way out. As a Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) practitioner, I can help you access the root cause of your depression, whether it is a transient feeling from a deeply low mood, or diagnosed depression. Once you have accessed the root cause of your depression, I can help you transform your experience, to create a meaningful future that inspires you.

Please contact me today for a free exploratory call to learn how I can help you.

Arkansas | United States

Tel: +1 501-491-0177

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