Helping You Gently, Easily & Naturally Overcome

Your Menopausal Symptoms & Reconnect With Your Body

Focus & Memory

Are you struggling with a lack of focus? Are you absent-minded, or easily distracted - forgetting where you put things or walking into a room and can’t remember why? Are you struggling to organize your day, lacking time management? Do you have difficulty connecting with others? Do you struggle to regulate your emotions, feeling overly sensitive, easily irritated or quickly sparked to anger? Do you overreact to criticism or judgment? Are you making impulsive decisions that you later regret? Are you easily bored or lacking purpose in your life?

Dr. Gabor Matte, a renowned Canadian physician, psychologist and author, suggested that these symptoms may be from a lack of positive attention we experienced as children. The consistent, nurturing attention that every child requires in order to survive, thrive, and grow into a healthy adult is often lacking or inconsistent. In other words, these symptoms developed due to childhood traumas.

This does not mean that your parents were ill-intentioned. However, their own traumas, such as war, poverty, abuse, lack of nurturing, have influenced their parenting styles, which impacted your upbringing.

As a Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) practitioner, I can help you heal these childhood wounds and relieve many of these symptoms.

Once the underlying trauma is access and healed, the emotional over-reaction reduces, thereby improving relationships and the way you respond and inter-act with others. Your focus and attention can improve, resulting in better organizational and time management skills. Your sense of purpose can be restored so that life feels inspiring again.

If you are ready to release these symptoms, reclaim your focus, restore your relationships and feel empowered, Please contact me today for a free exploration call to learn how I can help you.

Arkansas | United States

Tel: +1 501-491-0177

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