Helping You Gently, Easily & Naturally Overcome

Your Menopausal Symptoms & Reconnect With Your Body

More Happy Clients

Right off the bat, thank you so much – I felt phenomenal after my session, and that feeling has persisted. I played the recording daily, typically just before resting and I need to say I slept like a log, truly well.

I haven’t had any migraine pain at all throughout the last month and a half. Additionally, I’ve begun returning to the gym and I’m swimming as well. So, I’m giving it my best to stay migraine free and healthy.

One of the enormous benefits of the treatment has been a sea of changes in my approach to life. I feel much more optimistic, happy and resilient – and definitely more calm, tranquil and peaceful.

I love this new me and I can’t tell you how grateful and appreciative I am to you.

You’ve fixed me Roz. Thank you so much.

Rasha N. - California, USA : Migraines

I had a remarkable RTT session with Roz Solomon! Roz is such a kind, warm, intuitive RTT Therapist.

I came to her for pain in both wrists, bilateral basal joint arthritis. I had almost constant pain that would spasm with use, the cold or humidity. My thumbs just didn’t work to grasp or hold on to things sometimes.

Roz found the roots of the issue and helped me clear it. It’s been 2 years now, and I have very few spasms ever, even with overuse or the cold - it's all so effortlessly manageable!

Roz’s session immensely, immediately and profoundly reduced the pain to negligible levels. This is a miracle in my mind! Truly a huge blessing every day. I am so grateful for Roz!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear lady.

Roxanne B. - California, USA : Joint Pain

Working with Roz was an awesome experience. She is an inviting, warm person who made me feel welcome and at ease right away.

She helped me overcome my confidence issues with starting my own business. She found the root cause and helped me eliminate them. I no longer have thoughts of doubt that were holding me back. My business is moving forward and I'm taking bold actions every day to keep it moving forward.

I highly recommend working with Roz and will have no problem asking for her help in the future.

Thank you, Roz

Angie S - S. Carolina, USA : Confidence & Business Blocks

I came to Roz for help with anxiety issues (heart rate, chest pain and overthinking). Throughout the session she was so caring and understanding. She guided me easily into my subconscious mind and we uncovered the root and the cause of my issue.

Right from the beginning of the session and I felt an instant relief from my symptoms.

Roz was confident and very knowledgeable in this field, and she easily helped me to release trapped emotions and understand the reason for anxiety.

Her recording is incredible, and I still listen to it on a daily basis. I feel changes now, weeks after the session.

I can recommend Roz to anyone who wants to upgrade their life and free themselves from limiting beliefs! Thank you, Roz!

Kate S - Alberta, Canada : Anxiety

Update : My experience & transformation were so profound that in 2021,

I trained as an RTT Hypnotherapist

Aspen V - Arkansas, USA : Motivation & Procrastination

Roz helped me uncover subconscious beliefs that were keeping me blocked from moving forward in starting my business.

After our RTT session, I was able to make decisions more quickly & easily to make progress in getting my business started.

Now, I feel less anxious about money and am able to focus more attention of creating what I want.

Jessica F - S. Dakota, USA : Business & Money Blocks

Thanks so much again for the excellent group hypnosis session. I found the experience very insightful. I followed the recommendation to listen to the recording for 21 days and during this time

• I stopped my Netflix watching habit and gained 1 hour a day. This change happened straightaway and with no will power required.

• I become much more aware of my YouTube Instagram habit, which I am well on the way to mastering it.

• I found a mutual accountability partner for implementing our business plans.

• I gained a strong belief that my business blocks are coming from my habitual thought patterns a.k.a. the stories that I am telling myself.

• I have started to address this by becoming more aware when this happens by increasing the length of my meditation sessions.

I have shed 3 kg over the same time, which I am delighted about.

One month on and I have found a lot of positive changes in my life, and it feels like more are coming.

T. Hilton – Birmingham, UK : Group Session - Business Limitations

I have been having problems with my balance as well as tinnitus.

Of course, I had been to see the doctors, they found nothing wrong with my ears and my hearing was good. This didn't make me very happy. So, I looked for an alternative solution and found Roz Solomon online.

I thoroughly enjoyed my session which was very profound for me. Roz took me back to events from my childhood that I needed to come to terms with, that I had not laid to rest. I'm amazed at how she guided me. I saw that these events were clearly significant and unaddressed.

Roz made a recording for me to listen to for the next 21 days to, as she explained, rewire neurons in my brain to let go of the past events which no longer serve me. I've been listening to it daily and it’s phenomenal.

I'm already having noticeable results with my balance from this session with Roz after just a few days.

So, if you have any issues that you would like to overcome, I recommend contacting Roz. She knows how to help you and she does it in a very loving, professional way. Roz had a lot of love in her heart and a huge passion to help others live a great life without any hindrance or restrictions.

I just don't know I how else to say it - I’m just really, really thrilled about the session that I had.

Thank you, Roz, I so very much appreciate you.

Elvire S. - Arizona, USA ~ Balance & Tinnitus

Roz was able to help me navigate to events that had occurred at different stages in my life. Each event was uncovered and explored.

The paths to each event made it apparent how they were connected and the issues they created. This helped me reconcile and find new approaches to process the emotions in my mind. In the end they were better integrated.

Following up, Roz provided recordings that were designed to continue to integrate these events and create a seamless reconciliation and personal evolution.

J. Shelley - Canada ~ Group Session : Business Limitations

Roz is a wonderful source of inspiration and information. She is a gentle reminder of what can be accomplished when you pursue your goals. I am greatly blessed with the wellness information she provides for me, my groups and followers.

Her efforts to wake women up about bringing change to menopause are too loud to ignore and the mere glance of her echoes that she walks her talk!

Wilda Kier - California U.S.A.

Arkansas | United States

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