Helping You Gently, Easily & Naturally Overcome

Your Menopausal Symptoms & Reconnect With Your Body

Is this How You Feel Right Now?

  • Overweight and uncomfortable in your body?
  • That your body has let you down or you no longer recognize it anymore?
  • Struggling with an uncontrollable hot flushes & night sweats?
  • Unable to sleep, then exhausted all day?
  • Depressed, anxious or acting irrationally?
  • Experiencing inexplicable mood swings?
  • Having sudden panic attacks, fears or phobias?
  • Lacking motivation to do anything?
  • Unfulfilled in your personal or professional life
  • Forgetful with brain fog?
  • Unconfident, with low self-esteem?
  • Addicted to sugar, carbs and junk foods?
  • Overeating, drinking too much or smoking?
  • Repeating the same mistakes, act impulsively, or overthink everything?

Would You Like to Feel Like This?

  • Comfortable with who you are and satisfied with the way you look?
  • Confident that you can trust your body?
  • Satisfied that you can modulate your body's thermostat?
  • Enjoy restful sleep, and feel energized all day?
  • Joyful and peaceful?
  • Calm, tranquil and stable moods?
  • Confident and engaged in life?
  • Inspired and motivation to do anything?
  • Fulfilled and passionate about your personal and professional life
  • Clarity of thought and memory?
  • Confident with high self-esteem?
  • Eat and drink in moderation, eating only healthy food; with smoking a thing of the past?
  • Demonstrating empowering behaviors, acting appropriately and confident with decisions?

The Perfect Hypnotherapy Package to Achieve Your Goals

Is Menopause Your Nemesis?

Is Menopause causing you distress?

Do you look in the mirror and not recognize the reflections staring back at you? Are you struggling with weight gain, poor sleep, hot flashes & night sweats, brain fog, erratic mood swings or other symptoms?

I can help you.

Very often our symptoms are an expression of unconscious beliefs that cause our bodies to respond in a way that our conscious minds are unaware of. For example, when you were younger, you may have heard a woman share about her horrific hot flashes or weight gain, and you unconsciously created a fear of that happening to you when you were older. Then, when Menopause hit your life, you expressed those same symptoms and didn't know why. And it's all because of this thought that has subconsciously niggled in your mind and caused your body to create these symptoms.

The power of the mind over the body is scientifically proven and many dis-eases can be attributed to stuck energy within the body. Everything is energy. Everything is connected.

However, when you are able to access the reason, the circumstances and underlying beliefs that you formed that caused your body to express these exact symptoms, you are able to let them go and replace them with healing and empowering beliefs to change your experience of life.

This is possible, with Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT). With between 1 to 3 hypnosis sessions, your experience of life can be transformed, and you can gain harmony and balance with your body.

Why Hypnotherapy for Menopause?

Hypnotherapy is a safe, gentle and effective way to treat symptoms of menopause like weight gain, insomnia, mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, and more.

As a Certified Hypnotherapist, I help women in all stages of menopause who want a natural approach to these changes in their life. Many are attempting to relieve the discomfort of anxiety, stress, and hormonal changes, and are seeking a gentle, non-invasive and natural experience to deal with this inevitable phase of life.

The power of the mind over the body is scientifically proven and many dis-eases can be attributed to stuck energy within the body. Everything is energy. Everything is connected.

Understanding is power and understanding in hypnosis is the most transformative and liberating power. You can’t fix what you don’t understand, and your subconscious mind knows the cause of your issues. Hypnosis is like waving a magic wand and getting a positive, new outcome very quickly.

Studies have documented significant improvements including an improvement of sleep, mood and weight and a decline in hot flashes, night sweats and other symptoms. Hypnosis can help support self-compassion and noticeably improve your symptoms of menopause.

Hypnotherapy can help you develop a new relationship to yourself and your body.

I can help you Quickly, Easily and Naturally

reclaim your body and discover the REAL YOU!

Packages Overview

I have created 4 different packages for you to choose from:

Overcome Your Most Challenging Issue

In this is a single RTT Hypnotherapy experience, you will experience a deep dive into your most pressing concern, eliminate the root cause and transform that issue.

The session is approximately 2 hours long and you will receive a personalized recording to listen to daily, to deepen and instill the changes that you experienced during your session.

You will also receive a bonus - 7 Tips to Calm Anxiety, which includes a free recording of my Pyramid Meditation, to help you relax at any time.

Create the Balanced Life You Desire

In this amazing package of 3 RTT Hypnotherapy experiences, you will experience a deep dive into your most pressing concern, eliminate the root cause and transform that issue.

Then a month later, you will have the opportunity to either further explore that concern or any other issues you wish to transform.

Then a month later you will have a 3rd RTT Hypnotherapy session to eliminate any other challenges you become aware of.

Remember, it's not one and done! It's like peeling and onion and uncovering the different layers beneath. The more you uncover, the closer you get to the "Real You".

Each session is approximately 2 hours long and you will receive a personalized recording after each session to listen to daily, to deepen and instill the changes that you experienced during your session and want to create in your life.

You will also receive the following bonuses:

Bonus 1 - 21 Changes to Crush Your Cravings

Bonus 2 - 4 Steps to Healthy Weight

Bonus 3 - 7 Tips to Calm Anxiety includes Pyramid Meditation

Bonus 4 – Book : Mindset Magic (to be released later this year)

Your Ultimate Transformation

This Ultimate package is perfect if you're committed to upgrading and transforming your life.

You will receive 3 RTT Hypnotherapy experiences, a month apart, each session being approximately 2 hours long.

PLUS 8 weekly Coaching Sessions to support you on your journey.

With the first RTT session, you will experience a deep dive into your most pressing concern, eliminate the root cause and transform that issue.

Then in the 2nd month you will have the opportunity to further explore that concern or any other issues you wish to transform.

In the 3rd month you will have you next RTT session to eliminate any other challenges you would like to overcome.

Remember, it's not one and done! It's like peeling and onion and uncovering the different layers beneath. The more you uncover, the more you discover, on the path to becoming the "Real You".

After each session you will receive a personalized recording with to listen to daily. This helps deepen and instill the changes that you experienced during your session.

You will also receive the following 5 bonuses:

Bonus 1 - Eliminate Anxiety Triggers (E.A.T.) workbook to Create Goals and Journal Your Path to Success

Bonus 2 - 21 Changes to Crush Your Cravings

Bonus 3- 4 Steps to Healthy Weight

Bonus 4 - 7 Tips to Calm Anxiety with Pyramid Meditation

Bonus 5 – Book : Mindset Magic (to be released 2022)

Plus, you will receive Mentoring and Coaching for 8 consecutive weeks.

This will support you on your path to transformation and success. You will determine goals and outline a pathway to achieve those goals. I will be your coach, your guide and your cheerleader, to encourage and support you every step of the way to your Total Transformation.

Thereafter, if you wish to continue with monthly coaching, join

Your Journey to Transformation

A Monthly Membership Mentorship & Coaching Program

Choose the Package That's Perfect for You


​ 1 x RTT Experience

  • 1 x Amazing Personalized RTT Session to Eliminate the Root Cause of Your Issue (about 2 hours)
  • 1 x Custom Recording to install new positive beliefs (to be listened to for 21 days)
  • 1 x Update meeting via Zoom after 1 month
  • Bonus - 7 Tips to Calm Anxiety - Includes Pyramid Meditation


3 x RTT Experiences

  • 1 x Deep Dive Exploration to Determine your Issue and Your Ideal Outcome
  • 2 x Further Explorations to Determine Additional Issues and Create Your Ideal Outcome
  • 3 x Personalized Transformational RTT Sessions (about 2 hours each)
  • 3 x Custom Recordings to instill and deepen the new beliefs. Each recording to be listened to for at least 21 days
  • Unlimited support via text and email over 90 days
  • 3 x Update meeting via Zoom after each month
  • Bonus 1 - 21 Changes to Crush Your Cravings
  • Bonus 2 - 4 Steps to Healthy Weight
  • Bonus 3 - 7 Tips to Calm Anxiety - includes Pyramid Meditation
  • Bonus 4 – Book : Mindset Magic (to be released later this year)

The Perfect Package to Achieve All Your Desires

How Being Mentored & Coached

Will Help You?

During your monthly mentorship program, we will meet weekly via Zoom for about 90 minutes. Here you will acknowledge your successes and recognize any challenges you need support with. You will receive coaching and functional tools you can implement.

Within weeks you will be well on your path to creating the body you desire and the health you deserve, without stringent dieting, challenging exercise routines, daily weigh-in’s, starvation, portion measuring or any of the conventional approaches.

You know they don't provide lasting results!

I will be your guide to support you to create a different relationship with food, so you can overcome the current eating habits that sabotage you. This amazing program will address your needs, while offering you support

and accountability to succeed. The structure of this program offers a new and different approach to

amplify your transformation, so you achieve your weight and health goals and much more.

You determine the pace at which you feel stretched beyond your current comfort zone, but not too overwhelmed to implement your goals and succeed.

I will coach you to achieve the results you desire within those parameters. Therefore, no pressure, no stress, just great benefits.

You will be provided supportive material, including a fun workbook to document your goals and progress on your path to your successful transformation. There are weekly incentives to encourage progress and achievements. My goal is your long-term success to the good health you deserve.



Monthly E.A.T. Mentorship Program

  • E.A.T. (Eliminate Anxiety Triggers) – A 90-minute Weekly Zoom Coaching Program to Support your Journey to Transformation
  • Ongoing Support via text & email
  • Bonus 1 - E.A.T. workbook to Create Goals and Journal Your Path to Success
  • Bonus 2 - 21 Changes to Crush Your Cravings
  • Bonus 3 - 4 Steps to Healthy Weight


3 x RTT Experiences PLUS

8 Weeks E.A.T. Mentorship Program

  • E.A.T. (Eliminate Anxiety Triggers) –

8 x 90-minute Weekly Zoom Coaching

sessions to support your success

  • 8 Weeks Ongoing Support via text & email
  • 1 x Amazing Personalized RTT Hypnosis Experience to Determine the Cause of Your Issue and Create Your Ideal Outcome (about 2 hours)
  • 1 x Custom Recording to install new positive beliefs (to be listened to for at least 21 days)
  • Bonus 1 - E.A.T. workbook to Create Goals and Journal Your Path to Success
  • Bonus 2 - 21 Changes to Crush Your Cravings
  • Bonus 3 - 4 Steps to Healthy Weight
  • Bonus 4 - 7 Tips to Calm Anxiety
  • Bonus 5– Book : Mindset Magic (to be released 2022)

You don’t “break” a bad habit;

you replace it with a good one.

Dennis Waitley

These are the four most popular packages I offer. I am happy to tailor a package to your needs and budget. During your FREE Exploratory Call, we will discuss the most suitable package for your needs.

Arkansas | United States

Tel: +1 501-491-0177

© BodyBalancing LLC, 2022 All Rights Reserved