Helping You Gently, Easily & Naturally Overcome

Your Menopausal Symptoms & Reconnect With Your Body

Hi I 'm Roz Solomon

I am a Licensed Practitioner of Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️), a Licensed Hypnotherapist and a Nutrition Coach.

I was born and raised in South Africa. Since childhood, I inherently felt that our bodies yearned for natural healing. It became my mission to discover this path.

What started as a personal quest to overcome the effects of my own health issues, became a passion that has driven me over 35 years to help others.

My interest in health & nutrition began in my early 20's. I met a Naturopath who taught how me to change my poor eating & lifestyle habits. I shed 25lbs and kept it off and my overall health improved.

Since then, I have constantly read, researched, studied and implemented different natural health solutions, used supplementation and various dietary approaches to optimize my health as I age.

I was introduced to a more holistic approach to healing after a traumatic car accident in 1996. I trained as a Massage Therapist & certified in various bodywork modalities. I worked in this field for over 20 years, all the while continuing to explore personal development and the interconnection of our physical, emotional & spiritual selves. I became fascinated with the way our minds influence our body’s healing.

When I trained with Marisa Peer to become an RTT Hypnotherapist, I realized this was the "Missing Link" to our healing. Hypnosis provides direct access to the root cause of limiting beliefs that keep people stuck, repeating the same disempowering unconscious behaviors, over and over.

These stuck beliefs can create health challenges, cause relationships to fail, addictions, anxiety & poor habits to develop, all because people respond from their hurt childhood emotional framework.

My joy comes from helping my clients to uncover, release and transform their disempowering beliefs and reclaiming their authentic selves.

Arkansas | United States

Tel: +1 501-491-0177

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