Helping women to gently, easily & naturally overcome their menopausal symptoms and reconnect with their bodies

Right Now, Are You?

  • Overweight and uncomfortable in your body?
  • Feeling that you don’t recognize your body anymore?
  • Struggling to sleep, then exhausted all day?
  • Lacking motivation to do anything?
  • Feeling unfulfilled in your personal or professional life
  • Forgetful and acting irrationally?
  • Experiencing inexplicable mood swings?
  • Feeling depressed or anxious?
  • Experiencing sudden panic attacks, fears or phobias?
  • Lacking confidence and self-esteem?
  • Struggling with an unpredictable hot flushes & night sweats?
  • Constantly craving sugar, carbohydrates and junk foods?
  • Indulging in habits that don't benefit, like overeating, drinking or smoking?
  • Repeating the same mistakes acting impulsively or overthinking everything?

Imagine if Every Day You...

  • Wake up well rested and inspired for the day ahead
  • Have amazing energy throughout the day
  • Feel comfortable in your clothes and love the way you look
  • Look and feel healthy and are filled with zest for life
  • Enjoy eating food that supports and benefits your health
  • Tackle your daily tasks and feel fulfilled at the end of the day
  • Feel calm throughout the day and your moods are stable
  • Love the way you look and feel
  • Feel confident and self-assured in every situation

Benefits of Working with Me

I know what you're going through. I’ve been there! That feeling as if you’ve lost control of your body as if it’s been hi-jacked by a foreign invader! But no-one understands what you're going through – not your husband, your family, your friends, and sadly, not even your doctor. I know how alone, scared and frustrated you may feel.

Over 12 years, I experimented with many different products and treatments – and persisted, until I found solutions that worked. Now I want to share my knowledge and experience with you, so you don't have to struggle for years. I can help you overcome many of your symptoms quickly and permanently.

I am a Certified Practitioner of Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) and a Certified Hypnotherapist. In a single RTT®️ session, I will help you to uncover the root cause of your issue, so you understand why you created it. Then I will guide you to release the negative emotion and reframe your old self-sabotaging beliefs into new empowering ones that serve you. You will experience long-lasting, on-going transformation at a very deep level.

The reason Psychotherapy takes years, is because you are telling your story repeatedly from your conscious mind. You keep remembering and repeating the pain, deepening the hurt over and over. This actually causes it to become more engrained in your body.

However, Hypnotherapy offers you a quick and gentle way to access your subconscious mind, from where all of your emotions and habits arise. With hypnotherapy, it is possible to resolve most issues within only 1 to 3 sessions. More complex issues may require extra sessions.

For those wanting additional support on their journey, I also offer private coaching sessions or a monthly membership coaching program.

It’s time to release those old limiting beliefs so you can create the empowered life you deserve. I invite you to book your free consultation call today to find out how I can help you.

Hi! I’m Roz Solomon

I am a Certified Hypnotherapist, a Certified Practitioner of Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) and a Nutrition Coach.

I was born and raised in South Africa. Since childhood, I inherently felt that our bodies yearned for natural healing. It became my mission to discover this path.

What started as a personal quest to overcome the effects of my own health issues, became a passion that has driven me over 35 years to help others.

My interest in health & nutrition began in my early 20's. I met a Naturopath who taught how me to change my poor eating & lifestyle habits. I shed 25lbs and kept it off and my overall health improved.

Areas I Can Help You With

Addictions/Poor Habits

Compulsive Behaviors


Panic Attacks/Depression

Mood Swings


Pain Management/ Migraines


Cravings/Weight Problems


Lack of Motivation


Difficulty Achieving Goals

Business & Athletic Performance


Sleep Problems/Sleep Apnea


Infertility/Low Libido


Skin Issues/Rashes Eczema/Psoriasis

Please visit the "Concerns" page for Detailed information about how I can help you with your specific issue

Your Path to Transformation

A few days prior to your session, you will have a free 25-minute Exploratory Call to establish that we are a good fit. During this call we will have a brief conversation about your concern and what you are wanting to accomplish from your RTT®️ session.

If you are committed to transforming your health and your life and are ready to move forward, you will schedule your first hypnosis session and complete the paperwork provided to you.

Hypnosis is deeply relaxed state, which gives you access to your subconscious mind. You are always completely in control during the session. I do not have power over you, nor cannot make you do anything

you would not feel comfortable doing.

Overview of Your Session

I will ensure you are completely comfortable and relaxed before performing a short induction and deepening exercise to allow your subconscious mind to access the root cause of your issue. This will be like watching a movie – you may feel emotions, but you cannot re-experience pain from the past. You will gain great insight and understanding of how and why you formed these beliefs.

You will have the opportunity to release those old negative beliefs and reframe them with new empowering beliefs you have determined will be beneficial for your future.

I will make you a personalized recording with these new empowering beliefs that you can listen to daily to install and deepen the experience of your hypnosis session.


RTT®️ was developed by the award-winning UK therapist Marisa Peer. She combined the best of over 30 years of experience as a therapist with cognitive behavioral therapy, and neuro-linguistic programming.

Happy Clients

I had a remarkable RTT session with Roz Solomon! Roz is such a kind, warm, intuitive RTT Therapist.

I came to her for pain in both wrists, bilateral basal joint arthritis. I had almost constant pain that would spasm with use, the cold or humidity. My thumbs just didn’t work to grasp or hold on to things sometimes.

Roz found the roots of the issue and helped me clear it. It’s been 2 years now, and I have very few spasms ever, even with overuse or the cold - it's all so effortlessly manageable!

Roz’s session immensely, immediately and profoundly reduced the pain to negligible levels. This is a miracle in my mind! Truly a huge blessing every day. I am so grateful for Roz!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear lady.

Roxanne B. - California, USA : Joint Pain

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My new Book coming soon!

Mindset Matters

to be released in 2022

Arkansas | United States

Tel: +1 501-491-0177

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